complementary afterimageの例文


  1. Schopenhauer arranged the colors so that the sum of any color and its complementary afterimage always equals unity.
  2. When the activity of the retina is divided, the part of the retinal activity that is inactive and not stimulated into color can be seen as the ghostly complementary afterimage, which he and Goethe call a ( physiological ) spectrum.


  1. "complementary"の例文
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  6. "complementary agreement"の例文
  7. "complementary air"の例文
  8. "complementary and alternative medicine"の例文
  9. "complementary and alternative medicine program"の例文
  10. "complementary and alternative methods"の例文
  11. "complementary activity"の例文
  12. "complementary advantages"の例文
  13. "complementary agreement"の例文
  14. "complementary air"の例文

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